TODAY. I have four children but today it feels like I only have one. Oh well...
TODAY. My stomach is grumpy. It is complaining that I ate too much.
TODAY. I lashed out on my husband because he reminded me of this madafacka
TODAY. I want to go crazzzyyyy and HATE the world and the universe: IHATEYOUSAMSUNGGALAXYYYY
TODAY. I went on a retweet rampage and felt good. But it was temporary.
TODAY. I discovered that the rapper I followed on twitter who wears a hoodie was actually not a rapper
TODAY. JC_HOUSE wasn't a rapper in a hoodie. It was a shepherd's outfit and JC=Jesus Christ. NICE
TODAY. I'm staying home. Idle.
TODAY. I want to do something immature and not regret it.
TODAY. I don't want to feel good today
TODAY. TODAY. TODAY. Not an ordinary day.
it's all about LOVE, BEAUTY & LIFE. proses poems conversations essays photos. sights tastes smell feelings. events moments eras.
LOVE Quotes
There is no intensity of love or feeling that does not involve
the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to
love and feel without defense or reserve.
And love's the noblest frailty of the mind
As the best wine doth makes the sharpest vinegar so the deepest love turneth to the deadliest hate
the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to
love and feel without defense or reserve.
And love's the noblest frailty of the mind
Love is always bestowed as a gift --freely, willingly, and without expectation...We don't love to be loved; we love to love
As the best wine doth makes the sharpest vinegar so the deepest love turneth to the deadliest hate
Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.
Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.
Self Respect according to Miley
What is self-respect?
Self-respect for me means respecting myself above all else.
It means honoring my values and principles before anything and anyone else. It means trusting myself to say and do only what feels true. It means listening to and respecting that precious little voice inside me when I feel a little fearful, reluctant or unsettled; trusting that there is a legit reason for me to be feeling that way.
Sometimes respecting myself can make other people frustrated, disappointed or hurt because they want me to do things for their happiness in that moment thinking that it is the right thing to be done. But, as long as I don`t put so much weight on their needs or their perception; as long as I don’t get caught up in feeling like I need their approval, I can easily stay solid and true to myself, and value myself more in the sense that I do what I need, feel like and what I really want etc. In most cases that person will ultimately see their responsibility in the situation and apologize for whatsoever pressure they have put upon me or at least change their behaviour in the future. In the rare cases where that doesn`t happen, but if it should, I will consider it a blessing because clearly that person is only interested in being right and having what they want, regardless of the cost to me or to our relationship.
Those are good people to have distance from.
The more life experience, I see that it has always been me who is in charge of my relationships and whether they become fulfilling or draining. It has always been me who allows someone to take advantage of me or not. It has always been me and my choices that create that anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach that used to lead me to focus negatively on myself.
But now, it is me who gets clear on what I truly think and feel before speaking. It is me who doesn`t commit to anything unless I feel truly peaceful about it and like I`m not compromising my needs or values to meet someone else`s or gain their approval. It`s me who puts myself first and makes time and energy each day for my growth.
Self-respect means knowing that you are just as deserving of respect and dignity and success and happiness and love and appreciation as anyone else. And the only thing that prevents anyone from knowing that and from living that space of deservedness and self-acceptance is that they continue to look to others for permission to feel equal, happy and deserving. Once you stop looking outside and start reassuring yourself from within that you are good enough -- you will feel self-respect; you will find the solid ground that can never leave you regardless of what is going on around you.
**Smileybaby you live by these words, I should know! I'm so proud of you. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are beautiful.
** (Read her blogs:
** (Read her blogs:
My Prettiest Best Friend
My best friend. Isn't she the prettiest? She loves the spotlight and she never fails to puzzle people lucky enough to get close to her. She is also ambitious beyond all our dreams. She wants to be somebody and she is happiest when her friends value her intellectual integrity. Her work ethics are impeccable. She deplores mediocrity and will not tolerate laziness. She needs to be successful and looked up to. She is flattered only when you take notice of this and of her magnanimous noble-hearted side rather than complimenting her on her fabulous good looks. At any rate, she'd still love the compliment you shower her. Sometimes I want to think that her being so naive is part of her charisma.
We've been good friends since she was 6yrs old. She was in Grade 1 when her "celebrity" persona was born. We would walk around Shoppesville and the whole place starts to simmer, heads turn, sales ladies frown or smile and mostly people just stared at her. I don't know what it was that made strangers either hate her or adore her. She is not "classically" pretty but until now she has this air of distinction, the way and the manner she carries herself is what set her apart and make her appearance so special. Her eyes are so extraordinary that she's been given names of animals with similar big eyes like cats and tarsiers. Her beauty is exotic. What is most appealing about her is her careful dosage of this bewitching appearance combined with an extravagant charismatic personality. She charms her way, so to speak, to every man's heart.
This girl carries a self-assurance so impressive, an inflated ego so visible that it is useless to tell her anything. She is indisputable and nothing scares her. Believe it or not my best friend could be worst than arrogant. It's hard to be her friend because it's hard for her to accept her own errors. You always have to be the one to get the blame first and forgive her before she could feel really sorry. But I do love her to bits. And I know her close friends accept this pompous side of her only because she honestly is innocent and just unable to feel and see the guilt. Her conscience is always clean. She hardly ever contemplates. For her, as long as she has no evil intensions then she is always correct. If you win her trust though she will be your friend for life. She puts family and close friends among her top priorities and will carry out duties and willingly sacrifice for them. It's unimaginable how much she can love and indulge on a loved one. However, winning her heart is another very long story. She wants only the best of life and is not afraid to give as much as she demands. She never thinks ill of others unless of those who have tried to take advantage of her seemingly naive nature. She never really liked parading her knowledge and how she abhors people who take one look at her and underestimate her. Years of friendship doesn't guarantee intimate conversations with her. She guards her thoughts and feelings and will only talk when she feels safe and relaxed with you. You should know that you mean the world to her if she does speak up.
Her temper is legendary. You do not irk this girl. It takes so much to even make her feel anything but once you anger her she loses logic and attack you verbally like an outburst from hell. For your own sake, do not anger this lady. And yes, she is COLD if she wants to. She always go to extremes. She leads a life of sterling image and takes good care of her name. She must be admired, approved of and adored. She is a shameless seductress without even trying but she will never compromise security for love. She will not commit and would rather live alone and be self-sufficient than love someone and live in "poverty". Because she is so practical about passion, it is impossible to break her heart.
(to be continued) ang haba...iknowright!
A Love Story of the Penguins
The March Of The Penguins
Morgan Freeman begins his narration of the film with, "This is a love story." And he's right. March of the Penguins is a story about penguin-love, but the success of the film is a story about the love of making movies. It is a film that centers around a good, solid, interesting story presented simply and directly amidst captivating scenery. It is a film made by people who understood that the story and its presentation are at least as important (if not more important) than its stars, special-effects budget, marketing strategies, and product tie-ins.Hollywood
could learn a lesson from such a love story, in both respects.
Morgan Freeman begins his narration of the film with, "This is a love story." And he's right. March of the Penguins is a story about penguin-love, but the success of the film is a story about the love of making movies. It is a film that centers around a good, solid, interesting story presented simply and directly amidst captivating scenery. It is a film made by people who understood that the story and its presentation are at least as important (if not more important) than its stars, special-effects budget, marketing strategies, and product tie-ins.
Think or Feel?
How can something FEEL good when you THINK it is not? (ex: eating a slice of luscious chocolate cake) (or loving someone who is not right for you)
What if you THINK it is right but it doesn't FEEL right? (ex: disciplining a 2yr old child for doing something bad)(or breaking off with the one you love for some reason)
Nag iicip ba mga animals? Or do they have feelings? Animals think and feel. But they don't reason. Does that mean animals do not contemplate? Or do they just don't worry? How do you explain monogamy among some species of doves and penguins? Do they know loyalty? So what is it that makes life more difficult for men? Think.
Here's a site where you can find a list of 11 animals that mate for life. Very interesting and cute animal photos. I'm sure you'll love it!
What if you THINK it is right but it doesn't FEEL right? (ex: disciplining a 2yr old child for doing something bad)(or breaking off with the one you love for some reason)
Nag iicip ba mga animals? Or do they have feelings? Animals think and feel. But they don't reason. Does that mean animals do not contemplate? Or do they just don't worry? How do you explain monogamy among some species of doves and penguins? Do they know loyalty? So what is it that makes life more difficult for men? Think.
Here's a site where you can find a list of 11 animals that mate for life. Very interesting and cute animal photos. I'm sure you'll love it!
Miley dreamt that she was at a bar and out of the blue the Dj announced that someone is dedicating a song to her.
DREAM SEQUENCE in slow motion: smokey crowded bar having an epic Friday night, drinking beer, hanging out with good friends. Enter the song dedicated to her : "RUNAWAY"
Nice one.
cheap thrills
flavors of the month: songs I love listening to for this whole month and basically stuff that i think about and like.
MUSIC: for the broken hearted here are 2 songs you might want to listen to. Kinda makes me smile (ok, LAUGH jst bec I'm a sadist) every time I listen to these and maybe, just maybe it might put a little humor to your situation.
Romeo & Juliet by: the Killers
Romeo & Juliet by: the Killers
I Try by: Macy Gray
My Recommendation: If Ever I feel Better By: Phoenix
i like to reminisce about our recent trip to europe |
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oooh i think about how much i love my portable bike EVERYDAY |
my underwater camera sure came in handy this month |
Our very 1st trip EVER to Boracay this month was just fabulous |
i love this shot i took of Miley hehe (headless) my Rajo Laurel dress looks so vintage and i'm crazy in love with it |
The fucking Train Ride
Talk about being nice. Welcome to France. It is the country of the feeling. The fucking train station in Toulouse and the fucking people! Excuse my french. Merci beaucoup. Need I curse more? You get what I'm feeling right now. Going up and down the train stations to change to diff platforms, carrying the world weighing at least 25-30kgs is serious business. Anyone in his right mind would certainly lose it. No lifts/elevators, whatever this aristocratic society calls it. There goes modern technology and they can shove all the baguettes and croissants in their big mouths altogether I really don't give a shit. Your country needs elevators for travelers who carry the whole world in their luggage. (Rimowa luggage).
OK. Sorry about that. So we are here on our way to Lourdes from Barcelona via one million train rides. Ah, long story. But since we are going on a pilgrimage I see it more fitting to stop complaining and be more, how shall I say it? solemn? holy? I should remind myself every now and then that I am with my two wonderfully wicked girls and it is not wise to even hint that bad temper is indeed a genetic mishap that runs in the family. The journey is long. Outside, we pass by too many stunning landscape of small houses surrounded by trees. Thank God my mind is permanently distracted from the previous feeling of arrogance. It is only April. Spring has sprung and beyond. Feels like summer already. I have been praying for this. Going to Lourdes is the last among my prayers to be answered. All were granted. Thank you Lord.
Lord, guide my thoughts |
I like train rides bec of the magnificent scenery |
*Written onboard TGV April 2011
Ok. I know this is so out of the topic but I kinda like being myself sometimes. The whole blog has been a bore. i know i know. In my attempt to sound like some philosopher, my blog is dwindling to oblivion. Not that it is already popular but let's just say even my imaginary friends (yes, i have 10 billion) are almost on the verge of committing suicide. In order for them to remain friends with me and keep reading my entries they suggest that I do something different and write more interesting stories or else, they will kill themselves asap (this is the most pathetic threat). I'm telling you, these imaginary bratty friends aren't subtle in anyway. Wala silang feelings. So be it! Watch out for less serious blogs coming soon!!!
sheez... gimme a break! Don't give me that damn look |
some of the 10 billion friends i told u about |
breeding more |
what is love?
"Speak to us of Love."
When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth......
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them.
And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth......
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself."
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully." - Khalil Gibran (Le Prophete)
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can you love this car? |
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can you love this dog |
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can you love the owner of the car and the dog? can you LOVE WITHOUT FEAR? |
How do I judge thee?
Let me count the ways...honestly, I was taken aback by your boldness. Your benevolent interest in trying to impress me seemed to be your agenda since day 1. Wrong move. Honey, you should know that I am so easy to please but difficult to impress. If only your fledgling mind had figured early on that all I want is for a man to uncover his true self without much hoopla, I would have most definitely enjoyed spending more time getting to know you. Don't you get it? Pleasing me through simple but sincere actions instead of magnanimous shout outs and frivolities. I thought it was only natural that a virtuous woman should seek first, sincerity, from a man, above all virtues.
i am a child contemplating the roller coaster ride. for every piece that wants to another piece backs away |
It is not that you weren't sincere. It's more like you tried to be who you weren't. What the heck! Who knows I might have liked the real you including your baggage anyway? I appreciate that you tried to change for the better but it didn't last long, too, right? I liked it when I felt at ease with you, talking and telling you my thoughts and sharing my feelings. But I also looked for that missing piece that will make me really really value you. I'm sorry if that sounded phantasmal or too worldly (you choose). I really think that everyone deserves to seek that something -what one values in oneself and set it as a standard in one's search for the right guy/girl. Well, forget about all these when you're not serious anyway. I don't play games. You should know that, too (in case you didn't notice).
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I reign. My innocent ruthlessness is legendary. |
Someday, when I meet you, I will know that it is you. I know it won't be now because God is still fixing you and He is still preparing me. We may have met before or maybe not yet. No one knows. When we meet, everything will feel right. I will be ready and we will LOVE and it will never end. Though I long for you I know you are longing for me too. We will meet, and that is certain.
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