
Train ride from Barca to Figueras

A glimpse of the beautiful countryside...with graffiti on the walls.  Those scribblings are absolute contrast to the landscape.  Sitting in seats 93-94, looking out at the scenery like watching a video on fast rewind.  Yes, I am seated my back facing the direction of the train.  What a sight!  Everything is on reverse! I'm listening to Mozart symphony 40 but the voices of some tweenagers (20's) are more audible than the music stuck in my ears.  They are speaking French and I can almost understand what they are saying.  Their laughter is the only give away that they are having a great time.  My daughters, like me, are basking in our quiet time alone.  We are seated away from each other.  Moments like these have become rare as we are almost conjoined since the beginning of this trip.  Ah! How many days have we been travelling together?  I don't know.  I never really counted.  I miss my two other kids at home.  But not too much yet.

*wrote this April 13, 2011 



Osaka. Best of everything. Takashimaya.  wagyu beef.  fugu. national sport: SHOPPING.  land of anime. fantasy world. food vending machines all over. the only "loaded" hermes store in the world.  hair extensions.  false eyelashes.  boots with the furrr.    


people watch at Osaka, Japan


cute marshmallow alert

looking for your twin? look below

hello twin!

they just love to shop

they got the MILEY syndrome

mom is such a drab...so normal!

breathing anime

so gangsta

shopping mania

Japanese jejemons

Phuket, Thailand

Being tourists in this tourist infested area of Thailand where we travelled anonymous and unrecognized, 2 insane teenagers poked fun at the passers by.  What can you expect from the bored and crazy?  BAD



London. Small narrow streets. Old buildings.  Monuments.  Clocks everywhere.  Red phone booths around the city.  Tall people.  Uniform architecture.  Gloomy sky.  Supermarket food.  Fish n chips. Scones.  Tea.  Double decker hop on hop off bus.  Phantom of The Opera.  Topshop.  Smythson. Oxford street.  Kensington.  Hyde Park.  2011.  


i love by:Miley

*Remember my prettiest best friend? Guess what I found?  Well, this is how she described herself in one of her posts.

I love listening to happy songs. I find anything fried appetizing. I love junk food and candies too. I hate copy cats and people who try too hard. I never liked coconut juice, I think it tastes like filthy water. I love the smell of fresh laundry and the beach. I love watching the sun rise. I love starry nights. I hate gloomy and rainy days. I don't think I will ever be fond of animals. Snakes scare me shitless. I like my coffee black and cigarettes, red. I like my scotch watered down  and my tequila on the rocks. I love the smell of dental clinics, swimming pools and salon chemicals. I can't stand people who dress like fashion bloggers on a daily basis. I love fancy food as well as cheap food. I love paydays. I like doing other people's homework. I love walking around the mall. I like watches and jewelry more than shoes and clothes. I love having my nails done and hair colored. I like Balenciaga and Marni. I love my mom, she is my best friend. I love receiving and giving hugs. I don't like arguing. I like my nails short and really square. I love everything in nude. I love my babycakes. I love sleeping in hotel rooms and ordering room service. I love receiving flowers and morning greetings. I like being thoughtful. I like Justin Bieber. I love reminiscing. I love kisses on the forehead and pats on my head. I would love to travel back in time. I like exploring different cities and cultures. I can't stand people who spit anywhere. I get annoyed when I hear people coughing. I'd rather not eat with you if you have bad table manners. I like giving back and  making other people happy. I hate losing my lighter. I am wary of social climbers and users.  I like wearing all white. I love self-tanners, tanning beds and bronzer. I do not like being told what to wear, how to wear or when to wear what I like to wear. I hate goodbyes. I like where I am now.  

I love my life.

Miley 22 
fresh grad - frustrated chef and food critique - lover - princess

people watch at Chateau de Versailles

More photos of people I took when I visited Chateau de Versailles in France ...each tells a unique story.  

I just noticed that EVERYONE looked anxious as if the splendor was too incredible therefore too much to swallow.  But my guess is, either the 2 hour queue to get in kinda ruined the experience (somehow) and the overwhelming walk in the gardens, which took 40yrs to build, was a difficult walk because the ground is made of stone, sandy and with pebbles.  When I went there sometime April this year, it was very windy so I literally ate dust, too! There were so many people, too many in fact, that it was not easy to take photos of any art piece without having people suddenly ruining the shot by walking by or a part of someone's body included in your photo.  And so, this is the reason why I just made the most of my precious time and took pictures of random people passing my view.  Well, I'm impressed actually.  I'm not such a bad photographer after all. 

Ok, notice the faces? They were happy they got in until they saw the enormity of the gardens. CRAP!

"Damn! Do we have to hold hands? ...All THE WAY??"

common target of pickpocket-ers & holdup-ers but today they're dressed for combat. 

you said we're gonna climb the Eiffel, WHERE IS IT?

I hope no one sees me...I'm bringing THIS statue home with me.

one baby step at a time, honey. 1 2 3 4 ...keep on going till we reach 845579512554523222 steps

i don't think he is even looking. guess we have to go back to the end of the queue 

Mom, I mean Dad! why did you have to pluck your eyebrows like that anyway?

I'm just pretending to be cool. I'm actually just feeling gassy. 

hey buddy my hair was black when we walked in. ikr

FML, I almost broke my working arm trying to steer my wheelchair in this pebbled ground.  

"awww isn't my boyfriend the sweetest?" said the dog

Long standing BFFs.   

The police! Wait we have to stop here. I think it is illegal to pick flowers. 


people watch at London

Meantime, will these random pics of people I took in London entertain you?

GAYNESS. ilovit.

Spot the bald. one black one white

Precious SUN

this scene is REALLY odd


Writer's block

In search of something at least interesting to talk about or a mildly amusing story to tell, one ends up in what is known as a "writer's block". It happens. I can post my old notes but heck! I'm too lazy to do that, too. Hang in there for me, will you?